Mr. Lim Wah Sai holds a MSc in Management Science from Imperial College, University of London in 1982 and a BSc (1st Class Hon) in Control Instrumentation and System Engineering from the City University, London in 1981. He joined the Phillip Securities Group in 1988 and was seconded to work in Hong Kong since 1993. He is presently the Managing Director and Responsible Officer of the Phillip Securities Group of companies in Hong Kong, including Phillip Securities (Hong Kong) Limited, Phillip Commodities (HK) Limited and Phillip Capital Management (HK) Limited, manages a portfolio of about HK$1 billion for both the retail and institutional clients and act as an investment advisor to an authorized fund in Thailand which primarily invests in Hong Kong and China. He is also a member of Derivatives Market Consultative Panel of HKEX. He has over 30 years’ experience in the securities, derivatives and banking industries.
Mr. LIM Wen Sheong, Linus focuses on investment strategy as well as product development. Prior to joining Phillip Group, he was with the Regional Investments Business division of Citibank Asia Pacific. He has been with Phillip Group since 2001 where he was involved in equity research and corporate finance business both in Singapore and in the UK. Linus is a graduate from the London School of Economics and holds an MBA from the Anderson School of Management at UCLA. He also holds an Investment Management Certificate IIMR (UK) as well as a Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (CAIA Association). He possesses more than 15 years of investment experience and more than 9 years managing unit trusts. Linus is a member of Board of Directors of Phillip Capital Management (S) Ltd since 2009. Further to that, he has also been appointed to the Board of Directors of several fund management companies since then. He has been the co-Chief Investment Officer of Phillip Capital Management (S) Ltd since 2014 overseeing the strategic direction of the fund management business focused on both authorised unit trusts available to retail investors in Singapore as well as the segregated mandates managed for institutional clients. He is the lead manager of an Asia-Pacific REIT equity fund and the segregated portfolio for a sovereign wealth fund.
自2005年起,LOH Yang Nee女士代表輝立資本管理(新加坡)有限公司固定收益部門擔任董事。彼負責各種固定收益和均衡投資組合的戰略重點和管理。彼於1995年開始職業生涯,涵蓋股票和固定收益投資。加入輝立資本管理(新加坡)有限公司前,彼任職於隸屬於AVIVA Insurance group的Navigator Investment Services和Insurance Corporation of Singapore。彼為澳大利亞科廷科技大學商學碩士(經濟學和金融學雙學位)。彼於基金管理業有逾15年經驗,在單位信保管理方面有逾11年經驗。彼在貨幣市場基金管理方面有10年經驗。
Lim Wah Sai先生於1982年在倫敦大學帝國學院獲得管理學碩士學位,1981年在倫敦城市大學獲得控制工具和系統工程(一等榮譽)學士學位。
Lim Wah Sai先生於1988年加入輝立證券集團,自1993年以來一直在香港工作。彼目前是輝立證券集團在香港公司(包括輝立證券(香港)有限公司、輝立商品(香港)有限公司及輝立資本管理(香港)有限公司)的董事總經理及負責人員,為零售和機構客戶管理約10億港元的投資組合,並在泰國擔任授權基金的投資顧問,該基金主要在香港和中國內地投資。
Lim Wah Sai先生亦是香港交易及結算所有限公司衍生品市場諮詢委員會的成員。彼於證券、衍生品及銀行業中擁有逾30年經驗。
LIM Wen Sheong, Linus先生專注於投資策略和產品開發。加入輝立證券集團前,彼於花旗銀行亞太地區地區投資業務部任職。<彼於2001年加入輝立證券集團,在新加坡和英國從事股票研究和公司融資業務。彼畢業於倫敦經濟學院,並持有加州大學洛杉磯分校安德森管理學院工商管理碩士學位。彼還持有投資管理證書(投資管理及研究協會(IIMR)(英國))及特許另類投資分析師證書(CAIA)。
LIM Wen Sheong, Linus先生擁有超過15年的投資經驗,超過9年的管理單位信託經驗。彼於2009年起擔任輝立資本管理(新加坡)有限公司的董事會成員之一。此外,自彼時起,彼還被委任為數家基金管理公司的董事。
自2014年起,LIM Wen Sheong, Linus先生一直擔任輝立資本管理(新加坡)有限公司的聯席首席投資官,負責管理基金管理業務的戰略方向,重點關注面向新加坡零售投資者的授權單位信託和代機構客戶管理隔離專戶。彼是亞太不動產投資信託公司(REIT)權益基金和主權財富基金獨立投資組合的牽頭經理。
自2005年起,LOH Yang Nee女士代表輝立資本管理(新加坡)有限公司固定收益部門擔任董事。彼負責各種固定收益和均衡投資組合的戰略重點和管理。彼於1995年開始職業生涯,涵蓋股票和固定收益投資。加入輝立資本管理(新加坡)有限公司前,彼任職於隸屬於AVIVA Insurance group的Navigator Investment Services和Insurance Corporation of Singapore。彼為澳大利亞科廷科技大學商學碩士(經濟學和金融學雙學位)。彼於基金管理業有逾15年經驗,在單位信保管理方面有逾11年經驗。彼在貨幣市場基金管理方面有10年經驗。